Here will soon be some reviews on my small and big EDC model

Hej Jag hade turen att för några veckor sedan få en av Seveds större EDC:er i min hand. har sedan tidigare två av den mindre modellen som jag inte kan prisa nog mycket. Förra helgen fick jag äntligen en chans att prova kniven ute i det fria. Första uppdraget var att se till så att det blev en ordentlig brasa att värma sig vid i kylan. Kniven utsattes för att både spänta stickor & även för att spjälka upp vedträn till brasan. Eggen och slipningen höll osedvanligt bra trots det bistra vädret, vätan och väl tilltagna vedträn. Prövade lite täljning efter att eggen utsatts för "vedhuggningen" och den hade riktigt bra skärpa trots detta, imponerande. Bladryggen har egentligen inte de dimensioner som behövs för att klyva ett vedträ, den ligger på ca.3,2mm och det hade varit betydligt lättare med 5mm+. Trots detta så bet den inte fast förrän den var igenom halva vedträna. Kort sagt detta är en riktig alround kniv i lagom format ute i skogen. Handtaget hade bra grepp trots det kalla & fuktiga vädret, kanske tack vare Seveds finurliga skåror i greppet. Jag gillar verkligen att hela bladet eller eggen går att använda eftersom det saknas parerstång eller klack vid fingergrepp. Bara ren skäryta, suveränt! Kan bara upprepa mina egna ord Seved, gällande den lilla EDC´n och nu också denna, det här är en riktig "Allemans kniv". Tack Seved för en riktig "kompis" ute i bushen. Den såg till så att det blev en ordentlig läger eld. Mvh Peter/Qinti

A trip in the south of Sweden

And looked at our puppy. We started in the afternoon and drooved for 1,5 hour in heavy rain ;( . 
But it was worth it, take a look at him :) 

BTW here are some of our other animals 

Today i sharped my EDC

I have wanted to try to cut ciggarate papers. So when i had used my EDC, on a not so good way. I cut those wire you have  electricity in when you want to hold horses and cows inside it. It has a little ironwire inside it. Well i cut that so much that the blade looked like a saw LOL .
So it REALY needed a work out. I sharped it, and polished it. Well here is the result.:D

I used this method on my grinder.

I hade to begin with a worn out 120 grit belt on this one, it was so bad. I cut of the sawtooth and reshaped the edge. Then i used a 220 belt. 400, 30 micron and 9 micro. Then i polished it with soft wheel and G300. Its about it
Oh yes i used my convexgrining kit, so its a convex edge.

Jag har alltid velat prova o  skära ciggarate papper. Så när jag hade använt min EDC, på ett inte så bra sätt. Jag skar av stängseltråd till hästar och kor . Den har en liten stålwire i sej. He he bladet såg ut som en såg i stort sätt. Ha ha .
Så den behövde verkligen en omgång. Jag skärpte och polerade den. Den vart bra tycker jag.

A new project

Its a new project i have. A vestknife for flyfishers. The steel is 440C and is 3,5 thick. I will drill three holes in the handle. Its going to be a skeleton. I will make kydexsheats for them. What do you guys think.


My Hudsonbay knife project

I have developt an interest for frontierknives and thought i should make a few and this is the first result. Its made of 6 mm 5160 and handle of buffalo scales with washers in brass. 
OAL is 312 mm
Bladelegnth: 208 mm
Width:37 mm
I will try to make a kind of tribalsheat for it. Its the first one so we have see how its going LOL.
A friend over at knifedogs were i have my personal forum, give me the ide, and have helped me to make it so autentic as possible. I am very exited about it.
I have for a long time admired Daniel Winklers  and John M Coheas works So now i had to try it. We have to see how it going. Here is the knife its a copy of an early 1800 knife.

My Big campknifemodell

Its made of 6 mm thick 5160. Its OAL is 330 mm and the blade legnth is 225 m and 45 mm wide. Handle material is canvas and its Duracoated. I am going to test it in couple of weeks time when its cured. Maybe i put some up at youtube. i Thinking on making a cuttingcomp version of it to.

Beskrivning av utsidan knivarna. This is knives for a swedish forum

Det här är den korta modellen. Som ska bli i 3,5 mm tjock AEB-L ett rostfritt stål från Uddeholm.

Det här är den långa modellen som ska bli i 2,5 mm RWL 34 ett rostfritt pulverstål från Uddeholm.

Skaftmaterial till båda blir antingen orange G10 eller grön canvasmicarta. Det får man alltså välja. Likadant med slidan antingen kan man få läder eller kydex slida.

Priser är lite svårt innan jag gjort nån. Men ca priser blir för den korta 13-1400:- och 15-1600:- för den långa. Dessa priser är med Kydexslida med läder blir det 100:- tillägg för båda modellerna.
Beställning går bara att göra genom forumet. Antingen skriva i forumknivstråden eller Pm:a mej här på forumet.
Nån form av logga kommer det att bli på bladen men det är inte bestämnt vilken än.

1 dePaul
2 Supergeten
3 Monikaka
4 H.Ivarsson
5 Gustav
6 Andkje

1 dePaul
2 Peter 1959
3 BZ120

The first bushking

This is the first one of my bushqueen model. Its made of 3,2 mm thick 440C and is 28 mm wide and 222 mm long. The finish is blasted.

And here is another one in CPMD2CM handle in green canvasmicarta 61 HRC pretty hard.

A new knifemodel for a outdoor forum

I will make two knives for a swedish outdoor forum. The first model looks like this. The other one isnt finished yet. Seved

My version of Bushcraftknife.

This is a new modell i going to make i call it bushcraft. I going to make it in  CPM154CM, O1 or 26C and 1774
Its 225 mm long and 30 mm wide.


After votings on British blades, BCUK and Utsidan. The steels will be CPM154CM, O1 and the swedish carbonsteel 26C. And my good friend Cegga is in progress of forging me some O1 steel for the first bushies. I got the steel from Cegga and will start to grind today.

I shaped my first Bushqueen today.
Its 29,5 mm wide and 230 mm long. Its made of 3 mm O1

The first blade finished in 2140(O1)

Here is the first of my Bushcraft knives. I going to enter a competition with it at Ramanon and will make a leathersheat to it. The handle is stained crotched maple. Looking very nice i think.


Here are some drawings on kitchenknives i think i will make. Mostly in 440C maybe some in D6.


Today i got a realy nice piece of steel D6. 10Kg. So now i will make some skinnerknives. Cegga my forging friend will forge it to usable dimesions.











New Modell

Here is a picture of a new modell that i going to call Bushking. There will be a relative to Bushkin it going to have a small guard Bushqueen. I think i will make them in 440C , CPMD2CM and a carbonsteel.

SS steel

I just discovered tha Tracy on have an very interesting steel, with 1,90% carbon and 20% crom. Talk about ss steel. I must buy some and test it for skinners and fishingknives.

My latest projekt

Its made of 6 mm 5160 steel and is 240 mm long and 40 mm wide. I coated it black and used black paracord for the handle.


Busy week

And i not able to work in the shop for the whole week. :(. But i have to make up for it this weekend.
So i put up some pictures om our cats and my new tatto. That was nice i made a new tatto last Monday.

On going projekts at the moment.

This is most of the projekts i have now.

The choopers in the left corner is in 6 mm 5160 and one of them i going to coat and test to put up on youtube.  The other one i going to have grinding finish on and handles in tan G10 or green canvas.

The survivalmodell on the right side is in CPM154Cm and going to have blasted finish with handles in tan G10.

And under that one is one model i call Bushcraft its made of 440C and going to be fullflatgrinded with green canvas micarta.

And under the choopers is two Huntersmodells that is heavelly tapered and going to have G10 for handles.

Then its survival modells and Budgethunters that i dont have decided how i going to make them.

Two articles from a swedish news paper.

I am sorry it is in swedish.

Working weekend

Damn my work take to much from my sparetime.:-) I just have to go to work. I work 12 houres shift at night this weekend. Last week i harden a lot of blades so now i have a lot to grind. And with the  two choopers i  work with i have a lot of work :).


A modell rustic

 Its made of AEB-L stainlessteel with handle in stained crotched maple.

Jesus what i strugled with the sheat i made three before i got satisfied.

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